Sportsbook Onboarding Redesigned


William Hill




Product Design

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"Registration should be so easy that users don't even remember doing it"

At William Hill, we acknowledge the growing need for a user-friendly and secure registration process that aligns with current gambling regulatory requirements and addresses the concerns surrounding gambling's negative stigma. Our current registration form appears outdated and lacks a modern touch, presenting an opportunity for a comprehensive redesign that integrates safer gambling practices and builds user trust.
The Challenge
  1. Extensive User Information Collection:
    Required for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance during registration.
  2. Lengthy Registration Process:
    Can be overwhelming, particularly when requesting sensitive data like occupation and income.
  3. User Discomfort and High Drop-off Rates:
    Complexity of the process risks discomfort and leads to higher user abandonment during registration.
  4. Challenges with Bot Accounts and Bonus Abuse:
    Business faces issues with fraudulent accounts, necessitating stringent identification and blocking processes.

Process and Strategy

  1. In-depth Competior Analysis:
    Our competitors differ in their approaches to user registration and security. While not all offer deposit limits, many use gender or title to determine the user's gender. Security features vary, with some using security questions or pins for account recovery and login. Competitors often use IP location for personalized registration experiences, including language and currency adjustments. Most employ a multi-step registration process and emphasize safer gambling more consistently than we do, highlighting their commitment to it as a core business value. Additionally, competitors use language that emphasizes security throughout the user journey, ensuring users feel their data and money are safe, an approach we need to strengthen in our own process
  2. Data & Insights
    The heat map shows that many users are using auto complete to fill out form. Errors: The biggest issue revolves around accounts /usernames already exsisting. Nearly 75% of users only find out the issue on completion of the form, which can be a very frustrating experience. We must also take into account the fraudulent accounts being made. IP Address / linked email: Users making accounts from the same IP address or have a realated email make up nearly 10% of the problems with the form, this is something we do not really have control over from a UX perspective. We must also take into account the fraudulent accounts being made.
  3. Three Wireframe Options:
    Progressive Disclosure Form design simplifies the process into smaller steps, reducing cognitive load and enhancing user experience. This approach eliminates long, overwhelming forms, allowing for smooth navigation and clear guidance, thus minimizing errors and user frustration for a more seamless experience. Three-Step Form registration process offers a streamlined, user-friendly approach. Initially, users provide basic personal details, ensuring a quick start. The second step focuses on affordability, with users detailing their financial situation, aiding responsible gambling practices. Finally, account creation includes setting up login details, enhancing user ownership and security. This process simplifies registration, minimizes cognitive load, and enables personalized services, fostering a secure and engaging user experience with the platform. Long format Forms offer thorough data collection, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of user preferences and needs, which is beneficial for personalization and targeted marketing. However, these forms can also lead to user fatigue and abandonment due to their length and the effort required to complete them. While they provide a detailed user perspective, the trade-off is the increased time and potential frustration involved.
  1. Prototypes and UX Study
    The main goal of the UX study is to determine the preferred option out of three prototypes and understand the reasons behind this preference. It aims to identify any unnecessary steps in the user flow, assess parts of the experience that may be overwhelming or lead to abandonment, and explore ways to further improve the chosen option.


  1. Sports boasting a noteworthy 27% average conversion rate compared to the prior 17% average with the old registration form.
  2. The results in Casino that has much higher traffic on the other hand had an even significant impact of 37% average conversion rate as opposed to the old 18%.

Sports 27%

Bump in conversion rate. Previous rate - 17%

Casino 37%

Bump in conversion rate. Previous rate - 18%


The case study demonstrated a thorough experience design, addressing issues like lengthy forms and high drop-off rates due to multiple insights and Anti-Money Laundering compliance. Innovative methods like Progressive Disclosure and a Three-Step Process were employed, enhanced by user testing and feedback. This user-centric approach led to widespread adoption in other locales across EU, and set new standards in onboarding. The project also highlighted the value of involving all stakeholders from the start, establishing new effective work processes.